New 3,200 square foot house that opens
to an interior courtyard. This project is in the planning phase
5,500 square foot new home featured in Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles. Winner of Best Bath by Atlanta Homes & lifestyles. Completed in 2016
7,000 renovation to a historic home in Druid Hills. Featured in Elle Decor
3,200 renovation and addition in Morningside. Featured in numerous magazines and winner of Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles Best Kitchen and Best Bath.
Whole House renovation and additions to a stunning mid-century modern house. Currently under construction. Completion date is 2016
Interior Renovation to a home built atop Silver Ridge overlooking Stone Mountain
Multiple Renovations to Rectory and Parish Hall. Featured in Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles and Inspiration House Show house
Extensive Renovation to Historic Druid Hills residence and Winner of Best Kitchen by Atlanta Home and Lfestyles. Featured in numerous magazines and newspapers
Much of our work tends to be smaller, interior projects. These projects range from one room to whole house interior renovations. We cut our teeth on these sorts of projects and it is amazing what can be accomplished by working within existing spaces.